Backporch Revolutionbackporchrevolution

Geisterfahrer BPR-034
The Quiet Failings of...
Geisterfahrer's latest album is a collage of sounds taking inspiration from minimalism, ambient/drone, krautrock, classical Indian music, shoegaze and pagan psychedelia. The duo chooses not to use computers or synthesizers, instead creating textured sonic layers utilizing manipulated conventional instrumentation, effects, field recordings (both natural & mechanical) and unconventional recording techniques. From quiet to unsettling, Geisterfahrer's effect is rarely immediate, rather revealing itself over time.

Also available on iTunes
Format: limited edition CD-R  Time: 52:51 Released: 2008-11-02

Get your copy of the full album here.
# song name length mp3
1 Crowhaven 4:34 
2 Watery Return To The Childrens Land 7:14 
3 Dewsettle 5:23 
4 The Poisoner's Wine 5:16 
5 In The Forest Of Estrangement 5:18 
6 Beneath The Empire 4:37 
7 The Executioner's Dreamlife 5:20 
8 Crutchless 6:09 
9 Blackfriars 9:09 
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